This ties in with the other post about 1975:
U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson said in 1960: "I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in 15 years from today [or, by 1975], this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."
You just have to read the Watchtower to know how many statesmen and scientists, typically from the left-wing persuasion, have predicted the end of the earth to come 'soon', only so, like Acheson they can then implement their extremist policy.
Acheson famously created the World Bank, was after years of praise blamed by the left-wing media to have been at the cradle of the loss of both East Germany and China to communism and advised the Presidents (Truman and JFK) into disastrous foreign policy that eventually lead to the losses in Korea and Vietnam and allowed China to put Taiwan into the place it is now.
The Watchtower is only copying a page from their books, as is the woke left generation of today. Make a vague disaster, spout it through media outlets to collect massive funds, when it goes wrong, find a scape goat and do it all over again with another crisis.